Renew Membership


  • Memberhsip is automatically renewed unless otherwise informed
  • Membership follows the academic year and runs from September to August
  • Membership fees are €750 a year payable by December 31 of that year
  • Memberhsip is automatically renewed unless otherwise informed
  • Please inform the Executive Secretary of any changes to the PhD Program Director or point of contact

Benefits for members

  • Participation in all EDAMBA seminars and workshops, including the annual meeting which provides a unique opportunity to meet program directors.
  • The opportunity to express your voice: Participation / Voting power at the EDAMBA Annual Meeting and General Assembly
  • Representation on the EDAMBA Executive Committee by elected members nominated each year before the General Assembly
  • Access to information through our informal network, publications and events
  • Participation of doctoral students in annual EDAMBA summer academy and for graduates in annual EDAMBA thesis competition

Involvement in New Initiatives

  • EDAMBA-AASCB A joint study for 'Mapping the Changing Global Landscape of Business Doctoral Education'
  • EDAMBA - EFMD Involvement in the EQUAL Guidelines

Joint EIASM-EDAMBA initiative

  • Development of ‘A European Code of Practice for Doctoral Education In Management and Business Studies’
  • EDAMBA-EIASM Consortium on Doctoral Supervision which offers an opportunity for developing the next generation of supervisors.

EDAMBA Membership application for new members

  • Application for new members will be assessed by the Executive Committee
  • Membership fees are €750 a year payable by December 31 of that year
  • Membership follows the academic year and runs from September to August
  • Memberhsip is automatically renewed unless otherwise informed
  • More information about applying for membership here


EDAMBA aims to achieve its mission through three pillars of activity:
1. The Annual Meeting
2. The Summer Research Academy
3. The EDAMBA-EIASM Consortium of Doctoral Supervision

EDAMBA engages in global collaboration across networks
1. European Code of Practice

