Global Projects

New AACSB and EDAMBA Report Offers Insights on Trends in Global Doctoral Programs

AACSB and EDAMBA Created Report to Offer Greater Insight into Business Doctoral Programs
AACSB International (AACSB) and the European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration (EDAMBA) released a new report today that evaluates the global landscape of business doctoral degree programs.

The report was inspired by AACSB’s 2013 Doctoral Education Task Force, which recommended that business doctoral programs explore new innovations to create impact, while meeting the demands of business and business education. In 2019, business schools were again surveyed to gather new opinions and insights on the challenges facing business doctoral programs globally. The newly released report highlights these findings, including:

• Shifting career aspirations among doctoral candidates
• Variations in theses, dissertations, and supervisory models globally
• Teaching preparation
• Program delivery models, including online experiences
• Desired outcomes and indicators of success within doctoral degree programs
• The future of doctoral degrees in business education

"Doctoral programs are an integral part of the business education landscape, preparing not only business school faculty but also researchers and executives who guide the world's industries and economies," said Caryn Beck-Dudley, president and CEO of AACSB. "Insights into the latest trends about these programs allow business schools, and higher education as a whole, to innovate and enhance doctoral education for society's benefit."
Because the 2019 survey concluded prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the report findings have been augmented with follow-up interviews with doctoral program leadership and students, providing additional insight to disruptions caused by COVID-19. The final report offers valuable trends and benchmarking resources in a time of global uncertainty.

“Doctoral education is changing, a reality further heightened by the impacts of COVID-19,” said Dimitris Assimakopoulos, president of EDAMBA. “This new report allows business schools to consider these changes—such as shifting demographics, evolving definitions of the doctoral thesis, supervisory models, and dissertation formats, and approaches to impactful research—as they refine their programs in support of the future of business education.”
About AACSB International
Established in 1916, AACSB is the world’s largest business education alliance, connecting educators, learners, and business to create the next generation of great leaders. With a presence in more than 100 countries and territories, AACSB fosters engagement, accelerates innovation, and amplifies impact in business education. Learn how AACSB is transforming business education for a better society at

EDAMBA, the ‘European Doctoral programs Association in Management & Business Administration’ is an international non-profit association currently operating in 28 countries. Our mission is to develop common ideas, values, evaluation criteria, standards and practices to assess and enhance the quality of doctoral education, through the exchange of experiences and cooperation in a global network. EDAMBA members are committed to creating and sharing initiatives and achieving excellence whilst appreciating and promoting collaboration, diversity and community building.

Leah Harms
Manager, Public Relations

Lucy Mori
EDAMBA and EURAM join forces

"EDAMBA and EURAM join forces to advance thinking on practice and quality standards in doctoral education and supervision in management and business studies across Europe and beyond. A new generation of early stage researchers and educators is facing rapidly evolving global research, policy-making and practice challenges. The two associations have agreed to work together to move forward the debate and thinking on how to train new generations of researchers to address these challenges and to build a rich and diverse scholarly community that educates and produces knowledge which is relevant to society."
AACSB & EDAMBA Collaboration

AACSB and EDAMBA, the European Doctoral Association in Management and Business Administration have partnered to take a deeper look into the variability, innovations and strategic shifts occurring within global business doctoral programs. The study stems from EDAMBA and AACSB interest in continuing to explore quality doctoral education and better understanding the importance of doctoral education to local, regional and global impact on higher education, the economy, and society.

This study represents the first time either organization has embarked on a global landscape scan of business doctoral programs.

Two surveys, AACSB-EDAMBA Survey on Doctoral Programs for programme directors conducted end of 2019 and a survey for Doctoral candidates of both PhD and DBA programmes conducted beginning 2020 before the Covid-19 pandemic were aimed on better understanding the diversity, trends, and innovation occurring in business school doctoral programs around the world.

With the major disruption worldwide with the Coronavirus Pandemic, we conducted a series of interviews with programme directors to better understand trends in business doctoral education, as well as recent impacts to delivery, positioning, and strategic planning due to the COVD-19 pandemic.


EDAMBA , a member of EQUAL

The EQUAL guidelines for doctoral programmes have been developed in conformance with the ‘Salzburg Principles’ and also build on the ‘European Code of Practice for Doctoral Studies in Management and Business’ jointly developed by the European Doctoral programmes Association in Management and Business Administration (EDAMBA) and the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM). They are also aligned with international accreditation criteria, for instance defined by the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the EFMD Programme Accreditation System (EPAS)


EDAMBA aims to achieve its mission through three pillars of activity:
1. The Annual Meeting
2. The Summer Research Academy
3. The EDAMBA-EIASM Consortium of Doctoral Supervision

EDAMBA engages in global collaboration across networks
1. European Code of Practice

