EDAMBA Thesis Competition 2025.

The European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration (EDAMBA) invites submissions for the EDAMBA Doctoral Thesis Award 2025
Prizes up to €2,500
Effective communication is a key skill for doctoral candidates in management and business administration. The EDAMBA Thesis Competition recognizes junior scholars who can demonstrate the importance and relevance of their research to a diverse audience with a 5,000 word summary of their doctoral thesis.
Who can apply?
Applications are invited from scholars who have successfully defended a doctoral thesis in the last academic year (1st September 2023 – 31st December 2024) at an EDAMBA member institution.
Why was the EDAMBA Thesis Competition created?
The EDAMBA Thesis Competition was created because many doctoral students and graduates have to present their work to an audience who is not familiar with the theories or methods used. Yet the job market opportunities and career progression of doctoral students and graduates may depend on assessments or recommendations by academics from other fields. In addition, funding and grant applications may also be assessed by experts from other disciplines - especially for inter-disciplinary research proposals – which is another reason why researchers need to be able to present their work to clearly and rigorously.
What are the criteria for success?
The EDAMBA Thesis Competition focuses on research in business and management. Candidates submit a 5,000 word summary of their doctoral thesis which is evaluated on its ability to present research clearly, rigorously and concisely to a diverse management research audience while answering the following questions:
· What is the contribution of the work to its field?
· How does the work contribute to understand and address important societal challenges?
· How does the work contribute to understand and address important management challenges?
· Is the methodology sound?
Key Dates
· Submission opens: January 20, 2025
· Submission closes: February 28, 2025
· Decision: June 2025
· Presentation and award ceremony: September 2, 2025
· Publication: January 2026
- Call for Papers
- Guidelines
- Submission link
· Hans Siggaard Jensen Memorial Prize was awarded to the best paper submitted to the Thesis Competition: €2,500
· Second prize: €1,500
· Third prize: €750
· Prizes also include a certificate and support for publication in the EDAMBA Online Journal.
Invitation to review the EDAMBA Thesis Competition 2025
EDAMBA will be recruiting a team of qualified scholars to review and select submissions to the Thesis Competition which satisfy the highest academic and scientific standards. We conduct a blind review process with two reviewers assigned to each paper. As a first step in the process, Thesis Competition Chair Daniel Havran would like to invite faculty from EDAMBA Member Institutions to register as a reviewer.
If you are interested in participating in the review process, please send an email to info@edamba.eu indicating your affiliation, area of expertise and your title (Professor, Associate Professor ...).EDAMBA will attribute public acknowledgments to the reviewers involved in the process. A list of reviewers with affiliation will be published in the online EDAMBA Journal. Expected timeline for reviewing as follows:- Registration deadline March 1, 2025- Allocation of papers April 1, 2025- Deadline to submit reviews May 15, 2025We would strongly appreciate your contribution to the enhancement of knowledge.EDAMBA Doctoral Programmes AssociationThesis Competition CommitteeDaniel HavranFrancois Collet