Latest Events
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13th EDAMBA-EIASM Consortium 2025 on Doctoral Supervision

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Thesis Competition 2025

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jul - jul

Summer Academy 2025 Athens, Greece

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aug - sep

Annual Meeting 2025 Warsaw, Poland

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sep - sep

General Assembly 2025

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Message from EDAMBA Presdsent Dimitris Assimakopoulos

"This year we fondly remembered our fabulous Honorary President Hans Siggaard Jensen, who after more than 35 years of enormous (pro-bono) contributions sadly passed away, after a painful fight with cancer in late June 2024."
"Hans will always be remembered and missed as our great friend and mentor, trained in the philosophy of science at UCLA and cross- and inter-disciplinary science, from philosophy to software engineering, knowledge management, and higher education across Europe and the world, and initiated so many EDAMBA projects at the Universities of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business School, and Aarhus School of Education."
"Hans's wife Bodil traveled from Copenhagen to Barcelona and shared our Gala Dinner at the winter Consortium. We expressed our love and immense sympathy to Bodil who has always been there with Hans in so many EDAMBA missions from day 1, when Hans was elected to serve as the Founding EDAMBA President-elect in the Stockholm School of Economics. We with Bodil praised Hans's legendary courage to continue leading several of our activities for more than three decades!!!"
"On a personal note, I will never forget that together with Hans we upstarted our EDAMBA Winter Academy on Doctoral Supervision and the emergence of a Global Research Landscape - back in 2008, see photo from Chamonix / Mont Blanc. "

EDAMBA EIASM consortium - 'a truly impactful learning experience'

Thank you to more than 40 Consortium participants and faculty for an inpsiring consortium at Esade in Barcelona in January 2025. We were pleased to engage with academics from 25 institutions in 13 countries. The final day focused on the DBA and how to ensure quality or supervision and impact with discussion facilitated by Dimitris Assimakopoulos and Ulrich Hommel.

Day 2 of the Consortium has started with Radu Godina presenting the use of AI for research in management and business adminsitration and demonstrating how automated tools cannot identify AI generated content in publications. He went on to discuss how PhD students experience feedback and to facilitate a lively discussion on how PhD and DBA doctoral programmes need to change.
More than 30 Doctoral supervisors and Heads od Doctoral Programmes (PhD and DBA) have registered from EDAMBA members Université Paris Dauphine - PSL, Nord University Business School, Grenoble Ecole de Management, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University, University of Gloucestershire, Corvinus University of Budapest, Kozminski University, University College Dublin, Sveučilište u Rijeci / University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Miksolc and Esade as well as non-members Universidade de Aveiro, Lancaster University, INSEAD, Linköping University, Babson College and Aalto University. 


Welcome new members of EDAMBA

We are delighted to welcome 4 new members to our community:
  • Comillas Pontifical University (Spain)
  • Kozminksi University (Poland)
  • NSYSU Taiwan (Taiwan)
  • NORD University Business School (Norway)

Save the date

2025 Annual Meeting (Aug. 31- Sept. 2, 2025) hosted by Kozminski University in Warsaw, Poland. 


EDAMBA is recruiting a team of qualified scholars to review and select submissions to the Thesis Competition.
We conduct a blind review process with two reviewers assigned to each paper. As a first step in the process, Thesis Competition Chair Daniel Havran would like to invite faculty from EDAMBA Member Institutions to register as a reviewer.
If you are interested in participating in the review process, please send an email to indicating your affiliation, area of expertise and your title (Professor, Associate Professor ...). 



The new Executive Committee was confirmed at the General Assembly held in Oxford.
  • President:   Dimitris Assimakopoulos 
  • Vice-President:   John Parm Ulhøi 
  • Secretary General:   Francois Collet 
  • Treasurer:  Sara Le Roux
  • Member:  Daniel Havran
  • Member: Taran Patel
  • Member: Qingsong Ruan
  • Member: Carolina Serrano-Archimi
  • Honorary President: Eduard Bonet
  • Honorary President: Pierre Batteau





The European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management & Business Administration (EDAMBA), aims to develop and secure the highest standards in doctoral education in the fields of management and business studies by:

Providing a European and worldwide network for the exchange of information and discussion of ideas among doctoral directors, programs and schools

Developing, improving and promoting best practices through codes of conduct of the highest order. 



AACSB International (AACSB) and the European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration (EDAMBA) released a new report that evaluates the global landscape of business doctoral degree programs.

The report was inspired by AACSB’s 2013 Doctoral Education Task Force, which recommended that business doctoral programs explore new innovations to create impact, while meeting the demands of business and business education. In 2019, business schools were again surveyed to gather new opinions and insights on the challenges facing business doctoral programs globally. "Doctoral education is changing, a reality further heightened by the impacts of Covid-19," said Dimitris Assimakopoulos, President of EDAMBA.


EDAMBA aims to achieve its mission through three pillars of activity:
1. The Annual Meeting
2. The Summer Research Academy
3. The EDAMBA-EIASM Consortium of Doctoral Supervision

EDAMBA engages in global collaboration across networks
1. European Code of Practice



Nord University Business School
Comillas Pontifical University
Kozminski University
University of Los Andes
Universidad EAFIT
Tongji University
Zagreb University
University of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics
University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality

